My favorite childhood memories are visiting the library with my mom and debating grammar with my dad. Back in high school, I received the "Excellence in English" award from my teachers and the "Most Likely to Win the Pulitzer Prize" senior superlative award from fellow students. While I haven't achieved that distinction yet, I read and write every day.
By attending SCBWI (The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) writing conferences, I've learned from some of the most talented and well known authors, editors, and agents today. This experience has given me valuable insights into the creative writing process as well as the ability to deeply analyze books. Currently, I critique more than eight chapters or picture book manuscripts per month as part of two SCBWI writing groups. Within my groups, I'm honored to be recognized as the grammar and punctuation expert. This expertise led me to start my own blog, A Spoonful of Grammar, as well as to post regularly on the Writers' Rumpus blog,
Through writing nearly 100 posts, I've studied nearly every page of the Chicago Manual of Style. In combination with my background and experience, I'm delighted to offer copy editing services to writers and businesses, as well as to continue offering College Essay coaching and SAT tutoring. |