What the 'L is going on here? ALL READY and ALREADY are duking it out! ROUND ONE: In the Adverb corner, ALREADY is wearing red. She demands to throw the first punch: I ALREADY heard that song. Can you play another? In the Two Words corner, ALL READY is wearing blue. This is his response: Are you ALL READY for vacation? Did you book lodging and airfare? Did you find someone to watch the dog? ROUND TWO: Adverb: Quiet down ALREADY! My eardrums are going to pop. Two Words: Peter is ALL READY for his upcoming test, having studied for hours upon hours. IT'S A TIE because they both demonstrated proper context. Synonyms for ALREADY include "previously" and "(do it) this instant!" A good synonym for ALL READY is "prepared." ALL READY and ALREADY are now demonstrating good sportmanship by shaking hands, which signals the end of this spoonful. Until next Sunday... Sincerely, Laura Fineberg Cooper A Spoonful of Grammar
Gerald A. Gould
9/22/2019 01:00:13 pm
Cleverly stated.
9/22/2019 11:37:44 pm
Though it was already stated, very clever.
9/23/2019 12:12:37 pm
Gerald and Lisa: thank you both for commenting! I'm thrilled you enjoyed my humorous take on ALL READY and ALREADY.
9/26/2019 08:46:14 am
A fun way to differentiate already and all ready! Last night someone happened to ask me if she was using do and does correctly: Do J and S have pets? Does J and S have a pet? I knew the answer but hadn't really thought about it before and decided it might be a good theme for one of your posts (which I told her about, of course). :)
9/26/2019 10:13:10 am
Marcia, I will happily DO that topic for your friend in a future post. Thank you very much for sharing my blog!
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